At Gro Wellness Asia, we are here to provide you with professional advises & help on your health issues using our Gro Bio Therapy (Japanese Bioelectric) that focuses not only on pain relieve but also on improving your general health, journeying with you from sub health to holistic health!
在佫洛养身轩,我们为您提供专业顾问咨询和经过许多顾客认可的佫洛生物理疗 (日本生物电理疗)。

About Us
At Gro Wellness Asia, we focus on bioelectric therapy as our central therapy core to target the concerns and maintenance of different areas of your body internally & externally. The reason why we started Bioelectric therapy is mainly because of our heart to help more people with health issues that are classified as "chronic & on long-term medications" and through our studies and understanding of how bioelectricity can benefit us in so many ways. We also strongly believe that with proper education and through our professionally trained consultants & therapists, we can journey with you to better health.
You are the reason why we started Gro!