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- Our Partner | Gro Wellness Asia
Eaulier Medical Technology "Eaulier" whole body therapy device is the world's exclusive patented medical device of Eaulier Medical Group. The Japanese scientific and medical circles have researched it for many years, and it is uniquely developed with new technology. It is a medical device recognized by international certifications, including the European Union, China and Japanese governments. It has instrument-level approval and is a very safe health and medical instrument. "Eaulier" therapeutic device - advanced in design, easy to use, comfortable and non-invasive, it can increase the human body's bioelectricity, is highly beneficial to health and is necessary for the human body. It regulates human health through input from the cutaneous nerves and acupuncture points on the soles of the human body and improves the body's whole body functions. Cell health is greatly improved, health is comprehensively regulated, ageing is delayed, and various ageing and degenerative chronic health problems are effectively improved. It can be used medically or at home and has excellent therapeutic effects. It is the best choice to improve the health of your family and improve chronic and degenerative problems. Testimonies on some customer cases: 閻術作 - 中風後遺症 YAN Shuzuo -Cerebral Infarction (Eaulier Hospital) 愛麗健個案 播放影片 王守偉—中風後遺症 2年WANG Shouwei - Stroke sequelae (Eaulier Hospital) 愛麗健個案 播放影片 梁凱晴 - 小腦萎縮兒童 Leung Hoi Ching – Kid with cerebellar atrophy(Eaulier Hospital) 愛麗健個案 播放影片 Parkinson’s disease for 7 years , 58 years old lady from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 播放影片 All Videos 立即觀看 分享 整個頻道 此影片 Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr 複製連結 複製的連結 分享 頻道資訊 關閉 Sharing our experience visiting the hospital in China: Visited our partner, Eaulier Medical Technology very own Eaulier Wellness Hospital in Dalian, China on 17th to 19th Sept 2023. Had to specially detour out from our Guangzhou trip to visit this place as Gro Wellness Asia have just entered into a partnership with Eaulier Medical Technology. Never knew Dalian is such a clean & beautiful place. Air is fresh with minimal pollution. Founder Mr Luke Cheung specially chose this location as the view from the hospital faces Golden Pebble beach 金石滩, which is a very scenic & beautiful coastline in Dalian. Most of the rooms either faces greeneries or the unblocked view of the beach as seen in our photos. The Seaview and greenery views create a calming and relaxing environment for those receiving therapies in the hospital and their accompanying family members and friends. EAULIER Hospital specialises in results-proven therapy for Parkinson's, dementia, autism, pain management, and many other issues using mainly bioelectric treatment. Doctors, physicians, and nurses are around to monitor and perform the therapies for those with related problems. Witness many positive testimonies during our visit there! We look forward to bringing our customers there for therapy sessions for their specific health issues. Or for some, even as a wellness and health maintenance trip! Looking forward to more positive testimonies after their therapy, too! If those around you or even yourself have long-term health issues and have been trying to find a way out of it, you can contact us for more information. We will be most happy to assist you. Call us to inquire about our wellness retreat trip at Eaulier Wellness Hospital Dalian. Thank you! #GroWellnessAsia #EaulierMedicalTechnology #grobiotherapy
- Gallery | Gro Wellness Asia
Our Gallery Taman Jurong CSN Volleyball Event 11 to 13 Aug 2023 Our latest Event On Asia Economic Cooperation Forum 2023 Our Grand Opening
- Our Services | Gro Wellness Asia
Our Services Click the icon to Download Chinese Version Other services below: • Face Bo-Jin: 1) As Facial: reduces fine lines and wrinkles, sagging, age spots, uneven pigmentation 2) For Eye care: improve vision, eye pain, tearing or dryness, dark circles, eye bags, puffy eyes, double bags 3) For Ears: Hearing problems, earache, tinnitus 4) For Neck: Wrinkles, Lighten Dark Spots, Turkey Neck, Double Chin • Body Bo-Jin: Helps in relieving & improving obesity, edema, backache, back pain, foot pain, shoulder and neck pain, insomnia, headache, dull skin, poor absorption, metabolism and digestion. All-round body conditioning: back, chest, legs, shoulders, hands, whole body. • Bio V-Face Lifting: Helps in improving & eliminate wrinkles on the forehead, improve sagging eyes, dilute nasolabial folds, reduce masseter muscles, improve face shape, lymphatic drainage, and promote metabolism; eliminate double chin, dilute neck lines, clear meridians, and eliminate edema; tighten facial lines. • Bio Ovary Care + Weight Loss: Helps in relieving & improving menstrual pain, leucorrhea, expel wind, flatulence, constipation, deficient constitution, discharge accumulated garbage in the uterus, blood stasis, prepare for pregnancy, help smooth blood circulation, detoxification, improve sleep quality, relieve menopause symptoms. • Bio Hip Care: Helps in relieving & improving irregular menstruation, menstruation pain, amenorrhea, pelvic inflammatory disease, vaginitis, cervicitis, premature ovarian failure, urinary tract infection, frequent urination, urgency and dysuria, lower back pain, bloated waist and abdomen and numbness in the lower limbs. • Ovary Care: Helps in relieving & improving deficiency constitution (fear of cold and excessive perspiration, body exchanges of cold and heat, cold hands and feet), gynaecological problems (menstruation pain, irregular menstruation, blood clots), endocrine problems (dark skin, rough skin, spots, acne), stomach issues (constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, flatulence), obesity, muscle relaxation, sagging, chest atrophy and expansion, low immunity and fast aging, infertility, uterine cold, etc. • Enlarged Prostate Bio Care: Helps in relieving & improving abnormal urination, mental changes, changes in sexual function, pain in the lower abdomen, perineum and lumbosacral region, frequent or dry stools, neuropsychiatric disorders, fever and chills, painful erections and firing pains, frequent nocturnal emission, erectile dysfunction, Premature ejaculation, occasional hematospermia, insomnia, dreaminess, dizziness, memory loss, inability to concentrate, fatigue, diminished male characteristics, anxiety, depression. • Abdomen Slimming & Gastro Care: Helps in relieving & improving gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux, chronic atrophic gastritis, chronic enteritis, stomach cramps, abdominal pain, dull pain, tingling, irritable bowel movements, constipation and bleeding, hemorrhoids, abdominal distension, frequent hiccups, gas, indigestion, gastric ulcers, loss of appetite, and gastroesophageal reflux.
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治愈之触 通过使用生物电疗法 About Us At Gro Wellness Asia, we focus on bioelectric therapy as our central therapy core to target the concerns and maintenance of different areas of your body internally & externally. The reason why we started Bioelectric therapy is mainly because of our heart to help more people with health issues that are classified as "chronic & on long-term medications" and through our studies and understanding of how bioelectricity can benefit us in so many ways. We also strongly believe that with proper education and through our professionally trained consultants & therapists, we can journey with you to better health. You are the reason why we started Gro! Read More 关于我们 在佫洛养身,我们专注于生物电疗法作为我们的主要理疗核心。针对您身体内和外不同部位的关注和维护。我们之所以开始这种生物电疗法,主要是因为我们受到创始人对帮助那些 “服用长期药物和慢性疾病” 健康问题人群的精神和理念。也通过我们对生物电如何在许多方面使我们受益的研究和了解下坚信,通过适当的教育和我们经过专业培训的顾问和理疗师,我们将能够与您一起迈向更好的健康。 您是我们创立开始的源头! 更多信息 Gro Bio Therapy 佫洛生物理疗 No Injections 无需打针 No Medication 无需药物 Non-Surgical 无需手术 Non-Invasive 非侵入性 Pain Free 无疼痛 Non-T rauma 无创伤 Bio Knee Care 膝盖生物理疗 Helps in relieving & improving knee pain, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, meniscus damage, tear, synovitis arthritis, arthritic bone hyperplasia 有助于缓解和改善膝盖疼痛、痛风、类风湿性关节炎、半月板损伤、撕裂、滑膜炎性关节炎、关节炎性骨质增生。 Bio Head Care 头部生物理疗 Helps in relieving & improving migraine, dizziness, fatigue, dreaminess, memory loss, tinnitus, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, motion sickness, brain swelling, confusion, paleness, neurasthenia, sleep disturbance 有助于缓解和改善偏头痛、头晕、疲劳、多梦、记忆力减退、耳鸣、恶心、呕吐、疲劳、晕车、脑肿胀、意识模糊、面色苍白、神经衰弱、睡眠障碍 Bio Back Care 背部生物理疗 Helps in relieving & improving back pain, soreness, strain, cold, shoulder blade pain, lower back weakness, scoliosis, kyphosis, spinal damage, hunched back, spinal nerve damage. 有助于缓解和改善背痛、酸痛、拉伤、感冒、肩胛骨疼痛、腰无力、脊柱侧弯、脊柱后凸、脊柱损伤、驼背、厚背、脊神经损伤。 Women & Men's Care Therapy 女性/男性生物理疗 (For Women) Targeting on women's uterine care, ovary care, breast care and hip care. 针对女性子宫、卵巢护理、 乳房护理和臀部护理。 (For Men) Targeting on men's prostate, kidney & liver care, gastro issues & maintenance 针对男性前列腺、肾脏和 肝脏护理、肠胃问题与维护。 Gro Signature Facial Treatment 佫洛精致脸部护理 Helps in improving & eliminate wrinkles on the forehead, improve sagging eyes, dilute nasolabial folds, reduce masseter muscles, improve face shape, lymphatic drainage, and promote metabolism; eliminate double chin, dilute neck lines, clear meridians, and eliminate edema; tighten facial lines. 帮助改善和消除额头皱纹,改善眼袋下垂,淡化法令纹,减少咬肌,改善脸型,淋巴排毒,促进新陈代谢;消除双下巴,淡化颈纹,疏通经络,消水肿;收紧面部线条。 View More Services Lulu Red “ I suffered from slip disc carrying my child. I was admitted to the hospital, and the Doctor suggested surgery, but I decided to try Gro Wellness Bioelectric therapy recommended by my friend instead. Best decision I've made! Therapists are well-trained and knowledgeable, and I love how the environment is super cosy. After 2.5 months of Bioelectric therapy, I've recovered! The feeling is amazing! 😍Highly recommended! " 中文 (Read Here For Chinese Version)
- About | Gro Wellness Asia
我的故事 我是段子。单击此处添加您自己的文本并编辑我。这很简单。只需单击“编辑文本”或双击我即可添加您自己的内容并更改字体。随意将我拖放到页面上您喜欢的任何位置。我是您讲述故事并让您的用户更多地了解您的好地方。 这是写关于您的公司和您的服务的长文本的好地方。您可以使用此空间详细了解您的公司。谈论您的团队以及您提供的服务。告诉您的访问者您是如何为您的业务提出创意的故事,以及您与竞争对手的不同之处。让您的公司脱颖而出,向访客展示您的身份。 生物电是透过理疗师的双手传递到您的身上的。它是一种即放松又有效的理疗方式。在理疗过程中,通过倾听之手,我们的理疗师能够感受到您身体内气血流通的细微差别。他们也能够感觉到身体内的通道顺畅或阻塞,并找寻找问题的根源。改善循环和气血流通将能够改善许多身体不适的状况。生物电理疗过程会让您身体某些部位感觉到微微刺刺。在理疗过程中将气输送到身体需要的部位,解决停滞能量的问题。这也会刺激末梢神经,释放有助于缓解疼痛的内啡肽,放松结缔组织并改善筋膜限制。 我的方法 在此处描述您的服务。是什么让它很棒?使用简短引人入胜的文字告诉人们您提供什么以及他们将获得的好处。精彩的描述能让读者心情愉快,让他们更有可能继续预订。 这是写关于您的公司和您的服务的长文本的好地方。您可以使用此空间详细了解您的公司。谈论您的团队以及您提供的服务。告诉您的访问者您是如何为您的业务提出创意的故事,以及您与竞争对手的不同之处。让您的公司脱颖而出,向访客展示您的身份。 生物电是细胞水平的关键能量来源,细胞利用生物电调节组织和器官功能以及控制新陈代谢。 因此,为了让我们的细胞不断再生并执行重要的器官/组织功能,生物电必须保持在最佳水平。 然而,生物电会随着年龄、生活方式、压力、饮食而减少。因此,我们强烈推荐佫洛生物理疗为一种有效且无创的疗法,有助于增强和增加人体生物电的传导。 佫洛生物理疗后的健康益处: 改善亚健康问题。 改善/增强免疫系统。 改善睡眠质量/失眠问题。 减少/改善身体和关节疼痛。 达到更高的能量水平和运动表现。 女性子宫问题。 男性前列腺问题。 刺激穴位和缓解其它传统按摩或理疗无法深层达到的肌肉紧张和疼痛。 About Us 关于我们 Customer Testimonial 客户见证分享
- Contact Us | Gro Wellness Asia
Contact Us 与我们联系 683 Tessensohn Road #01-123 8772 6878 For our services enquiries, appointment booking or complimentary tel-consultation, don't hesitate to contact us through the form below, and we will get back to you shortly! First Name Last Name Email Subject Message Submit Thanks for sending in your request, we will get back to you soon!
- Plans & Pricing | Gro Wellness Asia
Your Journey to Better Health Starts Here I offer a variety of healing sessions. Choose yours. Energy Healing $ 200 200$ Six Basic 1-on-1 sessions 有效期 3 個月 選擇 I’m a benefit I’m a benefit I’m a benefit 最佳值 In Depth Cleansing $ 450 450$ Chakra cleansing and alignment 有效期 6 個月 選擇 I’m a benefit I’m a benefit I’m a benefit I’m a benefit See the Unseen $ 800 800$ Harnessing your life force 有效期 12 個月 選擇 I’m a benefit I’m a benefit I’m a benefit I’m a benefit I’m a benefit